Love and Chilli

The color of chilli make us exited like love,
The taste of it hurts when it too spicy,
Mixing with other ingredient make it more delicious
although it still love
Pain and Ice-cream

It hurts when we don't have money to pay for it,
It hurts our teeth when its too cold.
Pain will go away after a little while,
Just like a melting ice cream..
Life and Candle

Sometimes life is shaking like wind passed the candle,
Life is beautiful like a fire on the candle.
Anything can happen in our life,just like candle
we don't know if the fire will blow up it self,
Life is shot,just like candle
we know the fire will off anytime..
Well as you can see,i am a terrible poet.haha..
But,im having fun doing it.( ^.^ )
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