Saturday, July 31, 2010

Novelty,Creativity and Innovation.What the difference???

Hello there,
this week i have been learning about Novelty,Creativity and Innovation.

  • What is Novelty?
First i heard it and all my mind think about novel.But of course it mean more than a novel.Novelty is about new or unusual things that we can see around us.The meaning is,it is something which that already being created before but people use it and created it to something different.It like using the old material and recreated it.

This is an example of food.
People use food and created it to something new and unusual.

  • What is creativity?
Creativity is something that original value.It about new ideas and producing it.The things can be say creative if it look unique.Creativity can be misunderstood with innovation.

  • What is innovation?
Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries.-wikipedia
Meaning is innovation is about something creative and we actually can turn it into a product and sell it.It about converted an imagination,information and initiative into useful product.

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